You can find international DvT events on this page.
But there are more ways to play with us! Check our community page and our facebook page for information on practice groups and local training.
All Events
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Learn more about our International DvT Student Exchange.

Summer Schools
Two summer schools in DvT offer opportunities for intensive training with seasoned faculty. You can choose to immerse yourself in play in Belgium or the USA.

New Haven, USA
July 28 - August 2, 2019
The course will be led by Marie-Emilie Louis, Antonietta Delli Carpini, Alicia Stephen, and Noa Emmanuel. Our daily schedule will begin at 9 am and end at 4 pm to allow participants time to enjoy the beautiful New England summer.
The School will immerse you in the experience of Developmental Transformations, including daily individual sessions with the same therapist, group sessions, meditation, lectures, and personal processing.
Participants from across the globe as well as the United States are invited to take this opportunity to deepen their practice. A limited number of spots will be available for people from the U.S.
Fee: $795 USD
To reserve a place, the entire fee must be sent by check or electronic deposit by June 15. There will be no refunds or discounts. Hotels are best discovered via the Internet. However, do not book your travel until your registration is confirmed. Positions in the school will be given on a first come basis. Previous experience with DvT is expected.
To register, contact us at:
In the Forest near Utrecht, Netherlands
August 12 -16, 2019
This week will be led by Marc Willemsen, Eva Boorsma, Renee Pitre, and Viktor Dockal. We will begin at 9 each day and end at 5 pm.
The week includes daily individual DvT therapy sessions, individual and group practice, meditation, lectures, supervision, and reflection. This year will additionally focus on supporting our and our clients’ playability in the playspace in spite of the ever-growing polarization and divisiveness in our lives and communities.
How can we touch upon the unplayable?
How can we play with it, play with the OTHER and reach greater levels of dimensionalization?
English is the primary language of instruction but translation and 1:1 work may be done in French, Spanish, German, Italian, Hebrew, Flemish and other languages spoken by staff and group members.
Subscribe before end of February 2019.
Fee : € 595*.
* Residential stay (dormitory style), including accommodation and all meals for 5 days is possible for
€ 225. The course is open to a maximum of 14 people. Previous experience with DvT is expected.
More information: